Apex 레전드

Top Players of 2021 for Apex Legends (~2.11)

Talon 2021. 2. 28. 23:20

  Player ID Player Name Total (Year) Total (Game) % of Game Total (Overall) % of Total
1.  ImperialHal Philip Dosen $8,083.33 $115,372.01 7.01% $125,122.01 6.46%
2.  Apryze - - $7,833.33 $9,033.33 86.72% $9,033.33 86.72%
3.  LoochyTV Jason - $7,833.33 $7,833.33 100.00% $8,233.33 95.14%
4.  Albralelie Mac Beckwith $7,416.67 $97,807.01 7.58% $98,407.01 7.54%
5.  dizzy Coby Meadows $7,166.67 $80,169.35 8.94% $84,989.12 8.43%
6.  Thekine - - $7,166.67 $7,166.67 100.00% $7,166.67 100.00%
7.  Draynilla Andre - $6,833.33 $9,733.33 70.21% $9,933.33 68.79%
8.  Bronzey Deston Nguyen $3,833.33 $11,730.33 32.68% $11,730.33 32.68%
9.  Firedragon - - $3,833.33 $5,379.00 71.26% $10,204.00 37.57%
10.  GuhRL Laurice Habibi $3,500.00 $8,651.67 40.45% $8,651.67 40.45%