콜 오브 듀티

Top Player Rankings For Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (~1.12)

Talon 2025. 1. 31. 14:00

 Player ID / Player Name / Total (Game) / Total (Overall) / % of Total

1.  Scrappy Thomas Ernst $18,950.00 $474,200.00 4.00%
2.  Shotzzy Anthony Cuevas-Castro $17,500.00 $1,310,650.00 1.34%
3.  Ghosty Daniel Rothe-Malachinski $15,000.00 $241,745.00 6.20%
4.  Envoy Dylan Hannon $12,450.00 $1,037,729.16 1.20%
5.  Drazah Zack Jordan $11,000.00 $876,025.00 1.26%
6.  Simp Christopher Lehr $10,500.00 $1,830,078.33 0.57%
7.  Beans Ben McMellon $10,000.00 $91,025.00 10.99%
8.  HyDra Paco Rusiewiez $10,000.00 $736,550.69 1.36%
9.  Kremp Kyle Haworth $10,000.00 $174,475.00 5.73%
10.  Lucky Alejandro López $10,000.00 $122,664.15 8.15%