펜타스톰 175

12.11 경기 일정 (도타, MLBB, 펜타스톰)

ESL One Bangkok 202412강출전 팀■ Gaozu■ Team Falcons■ BetBoom Team■ Team Spirit■ PARIVISION■ Team Liquid■ AVULUS■ Natus Vincere■ Nigma Galaxy■ BOOM Esports■ Shopify Rebellion■ M80M6 Knockout StageTOP 6■ Fnatic ONIC PH VS Team Liquid ID■ RRQ Hoshi VS Selangor Red Giants■ Falcon Esports VS Team SpiritAIC 2024Swiss■ FULL SENSE VS Bacon Time■ Flash Wolves VS One Star Esports■ BanMei Gaming VS The Darede..

12.6 경기 일정 (PUBGM, CS2, AoV)

PMGC 2024Grand Finals출전 팀■ 한국 - Dplus KIA / DRX■ 중국 - Tong Jia Bao Esports / ThunderTalk Gaming■ EMEA - Guild Esports / Insilio / Natus Vincere / Nigma Galaxy / Regnum Carya Bra Esports / Team Spirit■ 아시아 - 4Merical Vibes / Falcons Force / VOIN DONKEY ID■ 아메리카 - Alpha7 Esports / INFLUENCE RAGE / The Vicious LATAM PW Shanghai Major 2024Elimination Stage Round 3■ MIBR VS Team Vitality■ The MongolZ..

12.5 경기 일정 (MLBB, R6, 로켓 리그, AoV)

M6 Swiss StageRound 5■ Team Vamos VS BloodThirstyKings■ Team Liquid ID VS Twisted Minds■ CFU Gaming VS Selangor Red GiantsMENA Community Face-Off Series Season 2승자조 1라운드■ XZ Esports VS Soldiers Esports■ Broskis VS RTG Esport■ Top 4 VS Razz■ AGGRESS1VE TEAM VS iZoXe E-Sport■ EASTSIDE VS MEOWFeWC 24Group A출전국■ England■ Germany■ Belgium■ Netherlands■ South Africa■ Saudi Arabia■ Spain■ AustraliaAIC ..

9.19 경기 일정

2024 BLAST R6 SKL Stage 2GSL Playday 5■ Before & After VS Orgless-kr■ BNK FearX VS BlossoM■ WEBL VS Mir Gaming■ PSG Talon VS Dplus KIA2024 아시아 스타 챌린저스 인비테이셔널넉아웃 스테이지 Day 3■ Kwangdong Freecs Challengers VS kt Rolster ChallengersVCT Ascension China플레이오프■ Rare Atom VS XLG Esports■ Ambitious Legend VS Chosen CliqueMN National Champ승자조 준결승■ IHC Esports VS Aquile■ The MongolZ VS ImpostorsAOG Winter 20..

9.11 경기 일정 (발로란트, R6, 왕자영요, 오버워치, MLBB)

VCTAscension China■ Rare Atom VS ZY Gaming■ XLG Esports VS Xtreme GamingR6 Asia 2024S2■ Bleed Esports VS FURY■ Rival Esports VS Knock Knock■ Dire Wolves VS Hasib Warriors■ Elevate VS NoCapR6KC 2024 Americas Play-In1일차■ Tribe Gaming VS INFLUENCE RAGE■ Tribe Gaming VS Isurus■ INFLUENCE RAGE VS IsurusOWCS Asia Stage 2 Japan준결승출전 팀■ VARREL■ LazuliMDL ID S10Swiss■ Team Vitality VS Geek Fam ID Jr■ ONI..

9.9 경기 일정 (스타, 도타, 왕자영요)

KB리브모바일 2024 SSL AUTUMN조지명식출전 선수■ 김민철 / 조일장 / 조기석 / 장윤철■ 황병영 / 김택용 / 유영진 / 이영웅■ 이재호 / 송병구 / 정윤종 / 변현제■ 김지성 / 염보성 / 이제동 / 정영재The International 2024패자조 1라운드■ Talon Esports VS BetBoom Team■ 1w Team VS Team ZeroKGL Summer 2024 Playoffs패자조 2라운드■ Mighty Tiger Gaming VS UU Gamers
