e스포츠 10345

Top Teams of 2025 for Age of Empires (~1.19)

Player IDPlayer NameTotal (Year)Total (Game)% of GameTotal (Overall)% of Total1. Cam QuýtCù Thái Phú$1,210.32$26,524.504.56%$26,524.504.56%2. 2K1 Bắc NinhVũ, Luận$1,210.32$10,784.0411.22%$10,784.0411.22%3. Tiểu Màn ThầuĐăng, Khoa$1,072.66$13,525.857.93%$13,525.857.93%4. Kamachi LovePhạm, Nhã$1,032.31$9,525.8010.84%$9,525.8010.84%5. YugiLê, Sơn$1,032.31$9,028.0911.43%$9,028.0911.43%6. BiBiNguyễn,..

1.28 경기 일정

2025 LEC WINTER정규 시즌■ Team Vitality VS Rogue■ Fnatic VS Team BDS■ GIANTX VS G2 Esports■ Karmine Corp VS Team Heretics■ SK Gaming VS Movistar KOIChinese New Year's Eve Team Battle 2025Showmatch■ Team A (Fengzi, JeDi, QiaoGege, XiaoXiaoMa) VS Team B (AP, Kid, XiaoShuai, XuanXuan)FISSURE PLAYGROUND플레이오프출전 팀■ Xtreme Gaming■ HEROIC■ Team Falcons■ Gaimin Gladiators■ BetBoom Team■ PARIVISION■ Team Spir..
