로켓 리그

Top Players of 2020 for Rocket League (~3.28)

Talon 2020. 3. 31. 18:19

  Player ID Player Name Total (Year) Total (Game) % of Game Total (Overall) % of Total
1.  Stake Marc Bosch $4,403.33 $8,175.17 53.86% $8,175.17 53.86%
2.  Zamué Samuel Cortés $4,403.33 $6,526.00 67.47% $6,526.00 67.47%
3.  Tox Damian Schaefer $4,403.33 $4,534.47 97.11% $4,534.47 97.11%
4.  Jordan Daniel Bholla $4,383.33 $4,571.48 95.88% $4,571.48 95.88%
5.  Majicbear Christopher Acevedo $4,383.33 $4,383.33 100.00% $4,383.33 100.00%
6.  Percy Oliver Ortiz $4,383.33 $4,383.33 100.00% $4,383.33 100.00%
7.  ClayX Alejandro Carbonero $4,333.33 $12,453.06 34.80% $12,453.06 34.80%
8.  Marc_by_8 Marc Domingo $4,333.33 $10,512.42 41.22% $10,512.42 41.22%
9.  Monkey Moon Evan Rogez $4,333.33 $7,780.56 55.69% $7,780.56 55.69%
10.  Turinturo Leonardo Wilson $3,716.67 $6,050.00 61.43% $6,050.00 61.43%

스페인 선수들을 필두로 한 유럽 선수들이 상위권을 차지하고 있네요
