대난투 스매시 브라더스

Top Players of 2021 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (~8.29)

Talon 2021. 8. 31. 21:40

  Player ID Player Name Total (Year) Total (Game) % of Game Total (Overall) % of Total
1.  Tweek Gavin Dempsey $47,739.60 $86,686.64 55.07% $127,022.55 37.58%
2.  Sparg0 Edgar Valdez $31,728.57 $47,111.64 67.35% $47,111.64 67.35%
3.  MKLeo Leonardo Perez $28,519.80 $150,279.50 18.98% $249,886.50 11.41%
4.  Marss Tyler Martins $16,580.60 $67,133.72 24.70% $88,773.19 18.68%
5.  Maister Enrique Hernández Solís $10,960.76 $31,058.60 35.29% $31,708.60 34.57%
6.  VoiD James Makekau-Tyson $9,547.92 $28,526.63 33.47% $62,620.89 15.25%
7.  Zackray Okada, Sota $9,547.92 $21,533.18 44.34% $21,533.18 44.34%
8.  Glutonny William Belaid $7,990.10 $59,135.34 13.51% $68,700.22 11.63%
9.  Sonix Carlos Pérez $5,892.00 $17,254.55 34.15% $17,344.55 33.97%
10.  Scend Spencer Garner $5,685.50 $30,251.01 18.79% $31,340.36 18.14%